a few hours of useless thoughts.

the other day i was just standing around and work and my mind was all over the place [as it normally is].  i decided to write them all down to have a laugh about it later. here is what happened in my head for a few hours at work. 

11:07 am 
-is it going to rain
-i had a serious dream about chasing a tornado last night, i wonder if there will be a tornado today… :/ 
{i thought a lot about rain this hour}
11:28 am
-i wonder what the construction around work will end up being
11:30 am
-i hope it rains
-i miss rain a lot
11:32 am
-i should move to seattle
-i should visit seattle
-would i like seattle?
{i thought a lot about seattle}
11:35 am
-lobsters have a really beautiful exoskeleton
11:40 am
-i forgot to put on mascara
-thinking about the scene from osmosis jones where they are on bill murray’s eyelash
-why/when did i see that movie
~seconds pass~
-the word osmosis is cool. osss-mo-sisss
11:42 am
-its really windy
-a pie in the shape of an octagon would be an OCTOPIE. get it octopi (octopus) ahahahahahaaha.
11:44 am
-remind self to look up pie recipies
-why would i look up pie reciepes
{drew a picture of this here thing, its so bad}


11:45 am
-should take art class
11:50 am
~biker passes by~
-I don’t understand the no helmet law for motorcyclists. i understand bikes but not motorcycles. DANGER!
11:52 am
-denver, colorado…i wonder what its like.
11:53 am
-this wind is insane
11:55 am
-i really don’t like jack johnson. i wish it would stop playing. le sigh :/
-no particular reason i don’t like him. mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
11:56 am
-thinking about the simpson’s episode where bart has a twin living in the attic.
11:58 am
-watch plants move in wind




12:37 pm
-feel feverish.
-hungry? yes maybe i should get a cali roll before i leave.
-crab is probably one of the best foods.
12:40 pm
-no rain 😦
-thoughts about snails
12:45 pm
-why no rain
12:46 pm
-my nails are fierce
-i wonder where the word fierce originated.
12:47 pm
12:49 pm
-i need some new spring nail colors for real.
ideas: peach, yellow, sky blue, green (shade?)
12:51 pm
-thoughts on education
-sing the strokes song 12:51 because it is 12:51
12:55 pm
-thoughts on the goonies.




1:25 pm
-i wonder if there are any good movies out. i would like to go to the movie tavern.


1:49 pm
-i’m hungry
-six flags in 6 days. i’m going to ride so many rides like whoah.
1:50 pm
-are those 4 large men all going inside of that mini cooper?
-false alarm
1:56 pm
-i love grocery stores
1:59 pm
-there are a lot of red cars
2:00 pm 
-thoughts about jerry using sharpie marker instead of an expo marker on the dry erase board during an episode of parks and recreation.  
2:04 pm
-clockin’ out like a champ. chimp ~orangutan~ GORILLA

CLEARLY i am the most interesting individual in the world.  

SIDE NOTE: shailah comes to town on sunday, my sister gets married next weekend and i’m off work for ten days starting sunday.