a few hours of useless thoughts.

the other day i was just standing around and work and my mind was all over the place [as it normally is].  i decided to write them all down to have a laugh about it later. here is what happened in my head for a few hours at work. 

11:07 am 
-is it going to rain
-i had a serious dream about chasing a tornado last night, i wonder if there will be a tornado today… :/ 
{i thought a lot about rain this hour}
11:28 am
-i wonder what the construction around work will end up being
11:30 am
-i hope it rains
-i miss rain a lot
11:32 am
-i should move to seattle
-i should visit seattle
-would i like seattle?
{i thought a lot about seattle}
11:35 am
-lobsters have a really beautiful exoskeleton
11:40 am
-i forgot to put on mascara
-thinking about the scene from osmosis jones where they are on bill murray’s eyelash
-why/when did i see that movie
~seconds pass~
-the word osmosis is cool. osss-mo-sisss
11:42 am
-its really windy
-a pie in the shape of an octagon would be an OCTOPIE. get it octopi (octopus) ahahahahahaaha.
11:44 am
-remind self to look up pie recipies
-why would i look up pie reciepes
{drew a picture of this here thing, its so bad}


11:45 am
-should take art class
11:50 am
~biker passes by~
-I don’t understand the no helmet law for motorcyclists. i understand bikes but not motorcycles. DANGER!
11:52 am
-denver, colorado…i wonder what its like.
11:53 am
-this wind is insane
11:55 am
-i really don’t like jack johnson. i wish it would stop playing. le sigh :/
-no particular reason i don’t like him. mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
11:56 am
-thinking about the simpson’s episode where bart has a twin living in the attic.
11:58 am
-watch plants move in wind




12:37 pm
-feel feverish.
-hungry? yes maybe i should get a cali roll before i leave.
-crab is probably one of the best foods.
12:40 pm
-no rain 😦
-thoughts about snails
12:45 pm
-why no rain
12:46 pm
-my nails are fierce
-i wonder where the word fierce originated.
12:47 pm
12:49 pm
-i need some new spring nail colors for real.
ideas: peach, yellow, sky blue, green (shade?)
12:51 pm
-thoughts on education
-sing the strokes song 12:51 because it is 12:51
12:55 pm
-thoughts on the goonies.




1:25 pm
-i wonder if there are any good movies out. i would like to go to the movie tavern.


1:49 pm
-i’m hungry
-six flags in 6 days. i’m going to ride so many rides like whoah.
1:50 pm
-are those 4 large men all going inside of that mini cooper?
-false alarm
1:56 pm
-i love grocery stores
1:59 pm
-there are a lot of red cars
2:00 pm 
-thoughts about jerry using sharpie marker instead of an expo marker on the dry erase board during an episode of parks and recreation.  
2:04 pm
-clockin’ out like a champ. chimp ~orangutan~ GORILLA

CLEARLY i am the most interesting individual in the world.  

SIDE NOTE: shailah comes to town on sunday, my sister gets married next weekend and i’m off work for ten days starting sunday. 

things i love this week

this week has been exceedingly better than last week. not much has happened, but boy have i been  in much better spirits. i worked and will continue to work through the rest of the week, my dad’s birthday was on monday and did some more wedding planning with my sister [the big day is in less than a month]. 

there are quite of things that i have loved this week

– the weather! i’m talking like in the 70’s guys. its been fantastic!
-costco. i LOVE costco! i got to go this week [today to be exact] and it was such a treat. they have so much and every time i go i want to just get it all!
-picture messaging. the best way to keep in contact has been picture messaging. whenever i see something funny/beautiful/interesting i just take a picture and send it to friends!
-toddler’s and tiaras. i’ve been watching the first two seasons on netflix and i have to admit, they are hilarious but also sort of sad.
-my bridesmaids dress. seriously though, i picked it up a few days ago and i just really love it. its not tacky and i can totally re-wear it! the color is so pretty too! you’ll see what i’m talking about in a few weeks.
-reading. i’ve really enjoyed being so incredibly glued to books lately. i already know what i am going to read after the hobbit. i’ve also decided that i really love biographies. i think i’m going to read a few personal stories from holocaust survivors next. they are so inspiring and moving. i’m actually really excited about it.
-cheap plane tickets. I found a plane ticket today from dallas to atlanta for $218 round trip for two weeks!!! thats a pretty great deal in my book! sadly i don’t have the money to book it just yet, but i’m keeping an eye on that puppy and the minute prices start to rise i guess i’ll just sell my cat and get the ticket [just kidding].
-white wine. because its what i’m drinking right now before i have to get up in the morning and work a double!

hope you’ve had a great week and have an even better weekend! 

i’ll leave you will some photos from the beautiful sunset from this evening. 






books & weather

its a beautiful day here and the fresh air fills the house. viola is loving the open windows and longs to attack all the birds that fly by [i’m so glad she can’t accomplish that because i would be so upset]. 

lately i’ve been reading a lot more than usual. i just finished the memoir Gypsy Boy by Mikey Walsh.  i can’t even begin to convey into words how much i loved this book. its a true story of strength and never giving up even when one is most down. its also a story of being proud and connected to where you came from even if your whole dream is to break away. read this book! 


next up i am reading The Hobbit by J.R. Tolkien. i’ve never really been that in to the lord of the rings stories, but maybe this book will show the may haha. 


17 days until the best bean arrives and i couldn’t be more excited! 



views from a run

Happy Wednesday! 

i couldn’t be happier this week is halfway through for me! The weekend will continue to be busy because its kara’s wedding shower, but it will still be nice to be out of the norm for a bit. I’ve been slacking a bit in my running routine this past week, so i decided to step it up again today. Luckily the few days i’ve had off didn’t make it so awful. 
I got tired of running around the neighborhood, so I started running around down to where the entrance is for the lake.
Today was such lovely weather so i wasn’t exactly dreading the beginning.


 this is where i run, i stay pretty far away from the actual road and listen music on my phone. 


its actually pretty because of hills. 


cacti grows all around, and you know how i love it! i think its become a bit of an obsession! lol!

Imagewhats weird is whats on the other side of this (see below picture)


i was not expecting to see this! it think its a couch, chair, tv, and rowboat. i laughed pretty hard for a minute. 


I look most forward to when it gets a bit warmer actually, because then after my runs i get to jump straight in this 



two A.M tears & Peter Gabriel

just spent the past 30 minutes crying like a baby about how much i miss my friends.
i miss people in general, but i really miss my friends. its going to be a tough a week and an even tougher weekend on account of the fact that I am missing the reunion this weekend.
nobody said it was easy growing up and moving away from everything you know, but nobody said it was this hard either.

pity party central over here.


*not pictured* Allison, Lauren, Roise,  Fanch, Natalie, Rita, Tilyn & all my favorite party palace folks.


the slayer and skype

last night i had a 4 hour phone/skype sesh with the best. we drank and laughed and all together it felt like we were back together.


i even got a few minutes in will lady ooters herself. (yes i was growled at a few times)

as promised i started to re-watch buffy the vampire slayer (we went through a phase about 2 to 3 years back where we beasted that series. basically if our eyes were open we were watching buffy). LET ME TELL YOU its even better than i remember.


it took me forever to get this screenshot perfect. i’ll blame it on the 6 pack i consumed before i pushed play. I CAN’T stop laughing at it! priceless!




i’m not ashamed or embarrassed.

its safe to say that i will be all over some buffy tonight. that and looking up dreamy photos of australia on the internet. dReAmZ ya’ll. ha.


i’ve been working so much lately i haven’t had time to do anything, much less post pictures from the gardens. I have two days off this week and am pretty excited!  Now I just have to figure out what to do! 🙂 

ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImagestraight out of the secret garden for sure. 

Imagerobin con ward statue version. ImageOBVIOUSLY robin, i mean look at that stance! 

ImageImageImageImagecatcti are my favorite plants. can you tell? 

Imagei can’t wait to see this in the spring when everything blooms. 



thats all for now! 



to the gardens governor!

The greatest thing about being back in texas is without a doubt all of the museums, parks, zoos, aquariums and wacky things to see. I’ve been wanting to go and look at all of the new exhibits and even revisit some of the ones i’ve seen in the past. Since starting my new job i’ve spent a lot of time working (chachinnnnnng haha) and haven’t really had an opprotunity to go and explore. 
On a whim yesterday my brother and I went to the fort worth botanical gardens after he picked me up from work. It was cold and most of the plants were dead (or as they say hibernating) but that didn’t stop us from having a good time and scoping out the land. We didn’t get to go to the conservatory or the japanesse garden because they have and admission price and after all we were on a whim so how did they expect us to have money lol! 
I can’t wait to go back and see it when it is fruitful in the spring! Now i’m planning on where to go and what to see next!

pictures to come!



welcome to my little blog! 

in the past month i have lived through numerous changes and events in my life. graduating college, leaving my friends, moving to a different state where i know nobody but my family. i guess i never understood how fragile you can be right after graduating college. wiser family members would utter those words that more or less state how difficult and life changing it is, but of course you never really understand until you are fully emersed in it.

i guess the real reason i started this blog is to give myself something to do! ha! it can be hard being somewhere so familiar yet so new (i am originally from texas but have been living in alabama for the past thirteen years). hopefully this   will serve as a fun medium to share my adventures and stories and for you to share yours with me!

i’m excited/nervous/happy
(and honestly a little hungry 🙂 )

here is to a new beginning and i’m excited to have you along for the ride!

